
Current Series

Jesus’ Final Words From the cross

During our Lenten season we will explore the powerful last words of Christ as He gave His life for us on the cross. In His final earthly moments, Jesus continued to minister to us in faith and fellowship. We will begin in March with the first of the seven sayings, “Father, forgive them...” and journey through to the commending of His spirit to The Father. We will conclude in celebration of His resurrection on Easter Sunday with “He is Risen!”

Church Wide Prayer

Mark your calendar for the last Sunday of each month at 5pm in the Chapel. We will worship, sing, and pray together as we seek God in our lives and the life of Central. 

Read With Us!

In 2024 we had ONE sermon series the whole year, and we will be read through the WHOLE Bible together as a church family. One of our defining values here at Central is that we are grounded in prayer and Scripture.  We believe these things are foundational to our lives.  Reading through the Bible together as a church family is an opportunity to live out this value.  When we spend time in God’s word, we are in His presence and this  is one of John Wesley’s means of grace – spending time in the presence of God.