Spiritual Gifts Quiz

Take the survey and find out your gifts today – and we can help you connect in ways to use them for God’s Glory!

by Carole Baker on September 17, 2024


Have you heard about Spiritual Gifts and wondered what they are all about? Spiritual gifts are attributes given to Christian believers for the building up of the whole body of Christ. Spiritual gifts are not talents or skills. “These fruits and gifts are not of our own achievement. They and others are the outgrowth of the Spirit's work in us, by grace, through our faith in Jesus the Christ. And they are not given for personal gain. Through these fruits and gifts, the Holy Spirit empowers us for ministry in the world” (United Methodist Member's Handbook, Revised by George Koehler [Discipleship Resources, 2006], 84-85).
It’s important to discover your spiritual gifts and the spiritual gifts of others. God does not give us these extraordinary abilities to hide under a bushel or stow away in a closet, but to use them in service to God and neighbor.

The “Spiritual Gifts” survey is a confidential process to help each individual identify their spiritual gifts strengths as specifically related to ministry and service in Central United Methodist Church.

The Spiritual Gifts survey’s primary purpose is to enable each member to identify areas of ministry for which you are most likely gifted.  It is not designed to be an exhaustive analysis of spiritual gifts, but rather to highlight areas of strength based on what you feel motivates you spiritually.

Take the Spiritual Gifts Quiz by clicking the link. Write your answers down on a separate sheet of paper OR print out your own copy. 


Once you find out your top 3 Spiritual Gifts, write them on your Ministry Opportunities Form. We can't wait to help you CONNECT within the church using your Spiritual Gifts! 

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