General Conference Decisions

by Rob Holifield on May 02, 2024

Greetings Central Family, 

I would like to share some information with you regarding decisions that have been made at the General Conference this week. The General Conference has voted to lift various restrictions on ministry by and with LGBTQ+ people. I want to suggest this link 40-year ban on gay clergy struck down ( It has accurate and clear information about the legislation that was passed. I encourage you to read this article and join us Sunday evening at 4pm to hear a presentation on what was passed and how the legislation impacts Central Rogers. 

There are a lot of reports by different news media and social media accounts. There are United Methodist clergy being interviewed on local news sources discussing how these changes could change the way their churches do ministry, including the ability to perform same sex marriages. In the link provided, you will read:

It should be noted that nothing passed by the General Conference or under consideration would compel churches to receive a gay pastor. The legislation approved this morning also explicitly protects the right of clergy and churches not to officiate at or host same sex weddings.

The leadership at Central, including myself, are committed to doing the ministry the same way we have through the years. We will continue to preach the Bible as our authority, lean into Jesus in prayer, and worship fully the Triune God.

Central Rogers is a diverse church with different views on this topic. Over the next few months, we will provide avenues for you to share your heart on this topic. Please pray for the church’s leadership and each other as we have conversation and move into a new day of ministry with our denomination.

Again, I strongly encourage you to join us this Sunday, May 5, at 4:00p in the Chapel. It will be livestreamed and archived on the website. Childcare is also available. Lay leaders and clergy will be present, and we will go over all outcomes from the General Conference. So, let’s all take a deep breath and take time to understand what has been passed and how it might affect us in the future. As I asked you to do in our video last week, please give us a year as your leadership takes time to understand the new legislation and hear from you. 

Yesterday our Bible Recap had only one reading. It is Psalms 133 which says, “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!”. We have something special here at Central, so let us move forward together in unity, as we Connect People to Christ. Please join us this Sunday for our worship services as we pray, commune, and seek God together. 


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