We value the importance of connection, community and fellowship for all adults. The many opportunities offered year-round are designed to sustain you along your faith journey and to help you understand where Christ is leading you. We encourage you to take part in studies, serving, and fellowship opportunities. We believe that when we fulfill our God given purpose and use our gifts and talents for God's glory, our lives will change in powerful ways.
Groups & Classes
Sunday School
Sunday Schools are an awesome place to grow deeper and build community. Many of our classes are offered both in-person and online over Zoom. You can join wherever you are! Classes are always open to new members and offer various studies from books of the Bible to scriptural application to current events. For a list of classes click the button below and look for the "Sunday School" tag above each Class Name.
Groups & Studies
Here at Central our small groups determine their own meeting time, location and frequency of meeting. Groups offer maximum flexibility in scheduling and location. Groups can meet in a classroom in the church and have the option of childcare, or they can meet in a person's home or rotate among group members' homes. For a list of classes and groups click the button below. View Groups and Studies
Class Meetings
Class meetings were a key component to growth of Methodism during the Wesley revival. Class meetings are different than any other small group you have been a part of and are instrumental to transformational change in your spiritual life. Our current class meetings will open and offer the 4 week “Introduction to Class Meetings” periodically. If you are interested in learning more about what class meetings are all about, please complete the form.
Wed. Nite live
It is our desire that the offerings on Wednesday night will give you a chance to focus on Jesus and put whatever is going on in your life in His hands. A meal is served to encourage you to form community with Christian friends. We offer classes, choir practice, space for small groups to meet, as well as Teen and Kid programming.
Lay Servant Ministries
A Lay Servant is an active, supportive member of a United Methodist congregation who is eager to be in ministry rough the church. Teaching, serving, raining, leading, participating, caring love and communicating are integral parts of Lay Servant Ministries. Here at Central Rogers, we have 42 Lay Servants and Speakers active in ministries and missions. Classes are made available regularly and are a great way to learn more about our denomination or other ways to serve.