Basic Caregiving Skills

Every Sunday, from 01/19/2025 to 04/13/2025, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Room: Main Building - 208

Under the category of Congregational Care, the Basic Caregiving Skills class is a training for those interested in becoming a Central United Methodist Congregational Care Provider.  The position is a lay volunteer position trained in providing care support and prayer for those who are in the hospital, homebound, or who need a person to talk to on a short-term basis.


The training will cover listening skills, attending skills, how to utilize prayer during a visit with someone, proper boundaries, and how to care for oneself as a care giver.  The different topics will introduce the trainees to different skills necessary to demonstrate empathy, support, and how to be person-centered in a non-judgmental manner.  We will cover steps on how to build rapport with a person and demonstrate genuine Christ-center compassion.  The class is not about becoming a “counselor” but on how to become a person skilled in providing effective, quality, biblical-based care giving. 

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